I have no idea where the month of September went. I look at my camera and I only have a few pictures, I guess it’s been so busy I haven’t been able to use it. The month started off with the passing of my grandpa who was a wonderful man. Even though I didn’t know him very well only about 12 years since I am adopted, his has be a great example in my life and has treated me no differently. We had a very nice funeral in Utah for him and were grateful that we were able to attend.
We love and miss you grandpa!
We also got to play with my very good friend Kristee and her kiddos at community party at the park. Peyton loves her friends Aydree and Luke and we are so glad they are apart of our lives.
My other very good friend Rachel had a birthday party for baby B who turn one that we got to attend. Peyton was so excited to pick out a present for the baby and as soon as we walked in she opened if for her and gave it to her. She also was a big help opening her other presents and playing with them too.
We also celebrated my birthday this month, I cant believe I am 26! Time has gone by so fast. We kept it low key this year and I all wanted was to go on a date with the hubby and we did. I has been probably almost a year since we have been on. We enjoyed a free movie since we had a gift card and we are hoping to squeeze another date in before the baby comes.